Slurry applicators
Veenhuis has various slurry injectors in its range for the application of manure. For both grass and arable land. In addition, Veenhuis has various machines and accessories for drag hose fertilization.
If you are interested in one of the Veenhuis injectors, please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Grassland slurry injectors
Veenhuis offers various slurry injectors and trench coulter injectors for fertilizing grassland. The slurry injector product range consists of the following four series: Ecojest, Euroject Pro, Euroject Twin and Premiumject. The trench coulter slurry injector that Veenhuis offers is the Farmject.
Arable land slurry injectors
Veenhuis has 4 series of arable injectors in its range. The injectors are high-quality arable injectors that efficiently spread manure and work the soil well. The characteristic features of these slurry injectors are 60mm outlets, heavy vibrating tines and a solid construction. The different types are the Terraject 200, 300, 400 and the Terraject Disc. The difference between the Terraject 200, 300, 400 lies in the working width and the number of tine rows. The Terraject Disc is a disc harrow slurry injector.
Nutri-Flow precision fertilization
The Nutri-Flow precision applicator was developed by Veenhuis. This injector determines the different nutrient values in organic slurry. Already before application. This machine tailors the organic fertilizer doses to the fertilization needs of the soil as a plant in a location-specific manner.
Drag hose slurry application
Veenhuis has various drag hose injectors in its range. These injectors are ideal for less load-bearing soils and wet weather conditions. These aspects make it more difficult to enter the field with large tanks early in the season. The drag hose injectors in the Veenhuis range are the ROTOMAX manure reel, the Premiumject 1200 rail version and the Premiumject 1200 swivel arm. In addition, there is the Veenhuis Quanta pump unit to feed the drag hose machine in the field at high speed.