Industrial hemp cultivation is expanding. Hemp is a sustainable crop to grow and new applications for industrial hemp are constantly being developed. The demand for high-quality professional hemp products is now enormous.

The hemp plant has endless potential, where products can be made in a variety of industries. Every part of the plant can be used to produce certain outlets, benefiting from the seeds, benefiting from the CBD and benefiting from the fiber. With the use of the right harvesting machines, maximum efficiency can be achieved from the hemp plant and we are happy to help you with this.
Cormana is a dealer of the specialized brand CANN. CANN offers Hemp Harvesting Solutions for harvesting any part of the industrial hemp plant anywhere in the world. By harvesting your hemp in a high quality manner, you already create the first value addition to the harvested products in the field. CANN has a wide product range for every harvesting need, consisting of the DoubleCut4510, SingleCut4510, SingleFibre4510 and the TFT10 Trailer. With the high-quality harvesters, quality starts in the field. In addition, CANN shares the years of cultivation experience with you to jointly bring the quality of the hemp plant further.

Even after the purchase of your CANN machine(s), we are at your service with the right service. At Cormana, our mechanics have the knowledge and skills to provide maintenance and repairs on specialty machines. Cormana also helps you get the most out of your machine. Especially now that changing weather conditions and larger acreages further increase the pressure on you, together we want to make sure that you can take advantage of all the beautiful days to bring in your hemp carefree. Cormana is happy to provide the appropriate support to, on the one hand, get the most out of your machine with minimal downtime and, on the other hand, optimize your cultivation and therefore your harvest.