Arable farming
The potato is the most important food crop in the world after corn, wheat and rice. This makes potatoes a very important food crop worldwide. Also given the growing world population, the potato as a food source is going to play an increasingly important role in food security. In addition to its high nutritional value, the potato also has a lower environmental impact.

Hemp Cultivation
Industrial hemp cultivation is expanding. Hemp is a sustainable crop to grow and new applications for industrial hemp are constantly being developed. The demand for high-quality professional hemp products is now enormous.

Livestock farming
The (dairy) livestock farming industry has great potential in Romania. Thanks to smart solutions in the field of roughage harvesting, processing, and manure technology, CORMANA is your ideal conversation partner and supplier of top-quality brands in livestock farming.

Transport Technology
We are never satisfied with the existing, develop individual transport solutions for the agricultural and construction industries and breathe new life into traditional commercial vehicle construction. With high-quality components, real handshake quality and above all - tailor-made vehicles.

Loader Technology
The world does not stand still, including yours. No matter what your logistics and loading applications are, your needs are constantly changing. From expansion, sustainability, increased capacity demand or a change in operations. Whatever your issue, we are able to meet your needs.